Shutout Wall Winner receives free gloves from Brian’s

During the winter months, the Carroll Goalie School and our partner from Brian’s Custom Sports, sponsor the Shutout Wall that appears in Let’s Play Hockey newspaper and on its website. 

Coach Steve Carroll presented Griffin Simpson with his new Brian’s Gloves.

It’s a popular way for goalies to get recognized for posting a shutout and as you can see there are easily a couple hundred shutouts posted on the wall. Congrats to all the goalies who earned shutouts in 2018-19.

Each week, a goalie, who had a shutout posted on the wall, was selected to receive a prize pack from CGS and Brian’s Custom Sports. The pack usually included a hat from Brian’s and a shirt from CGS.

Griffin SImpson wore his new gloves on the way to his baseball game.

In addition to that, at the end of the season, one goalie was selected to win a custom set of gloves from Brian’s Custom Sports.

This year, the winner was Griffin Simpson, a peewee goalie from Minneapolis. He was fitted for his gloves at the Let’s Play Hockey Expo.

Coach Carroll presented Griffin with his new gloves this summer at Richfield Arena. He was on the way to a baseball game and wore the gloves out of the rink. Congratulations to Griffin.

Look for the CGS/Brian’s Custom Sports Shutout Wall promotion to return to Let’s Play Hockey this coming hockey season.